Digital Disruption

Copyright 2017 Don Ray

Do these times not till the soil to plant seeds of reassurance?

The digital disruption has unleashed the worst of human nature and created levels of illusion and delusion and detachment never before experienced.

Never have people been so compelled and even coerced to look happier.

Never have people felt so lost and alone.

A pandemic of digital detachment has left us isolated from reality and each other.

Never have we had such opportunity for connection and communication.  Never have our connections and communication been so shallow and superficial.

We have created a societal sham when we need substance; we stand on shifting sand of fads and trends when we need foundations secure and solid.  The fog of the superficial hides the substance.  The glare of the shallow blinds us to solid reality.

The beauty of the superficial and shallow is that they are only smoke and illusion; if we wish we can readily dissipate them with a mere wave of the hand of insight and understanding.

Our digital delusions and marketing manipulations have left us hungering for the reliable and reassuring.  The same web that drives our hunger for consumptive purchasing can instead communicate a message that fills, fulfills, satisfies, and reassures.  Somewhere someone wants to see.  It is time to shine the Light and dissipate the fog.

Pass it on.

Copyright 2017 Don Ray

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